
Real Stories of Transformation and Health

Discover How Families and Adults Thrive with Compassionate Nutrition™

At Aspiring Sprouts, our clients’ success stories speak volumes. From turning around severe eating anxieties to finding drug-free solutions for chronic conditions, Sara’s expertise and supportive approach have made all the difference. Read on to see how she’s helped families create healthier, happier lives.


After enrolling in the LEAP program, I was diligent about following the protocol 100%.  After 2 months, I was starting to feel skeptical.  I absolutely felt better, but I was not seeing relief with my RA symptoms.  Despite that, I continued on.  Then one morning; quite literally I went to sleep and woke up the next day, and I felt AMAZING!  Not only do I have a better understanding of food and how it affects me, but I have a positive result of pain relief from it as well!  Three months into the program, I completed my blood work and saw a significant decrease in inflammation within my body.  (A total of 23 points, actually, which is a HUGE number in the world of inflammation!)

I think the most important fact I could stress on a person is how valuable a science-based, knowledge-based individual is.  Someone with expertise can help far more than a Google article can.  And because of that, I would recommend Sara hands down.  Her go-gettem personality and can-do attitude paired with the knowledge, education and aptitude make her an outstanding candidate to invest in your future with.  Yes, it is a financial and time commitment.  But you will have zero disappointment putting yourself first and learning how to take care of yourself for the rest of your life. – Amy K.


Our 2 yr old was struggling to have regular bowel movements accompanied with severe belly pains and he would in turn stop eating and it became this vicious cycle of no eating and no pooping. We had gone to the doctor with our concerns about him not eating much and were told this was a phase and it would work itself out. I reached out to Sara to see if she could help us. My son is now pooping! Yay for poop.

And I just feel so much more comfortable with his eating routines. Sara really helped us as parents with meal times. Things like pressuring, his seating arrangements, his milk choices, volume of food and liquids, and the biggest one was mindset. She helped us with little tweaks here and there and that all lead up to big successes for our boy. It was wonderful to work with Sara! She is extremely helpful and knowledgeable! And patient with all the questions and ups and downs. Overall it was a wonderful experience we had working with Sara.” – The Morelli Family


We came to Aspiring Sprouts for my 8 year old who had severe eating anxiety and aversion. This was our last hope before having to go the route of feeding tubes. We worked with Sara and her patience and understanding are beyond amazing.

There was no judgment or pressure and she made my son comfortable. Her approach is different from any other nutritionist, and it was just what we needed. I can’t thank her enough for her help. While we don’t work with her anymore, I still know that I can reach out to her with milestones! We learned so much that we were able to take away and continue to use these methods today.

My son is still picky, but he now is open to trying new foods, knows it’s ok not to like something and has gained 5 pounds, 3 while we were working with Sara and has gained 2 more since our sessions ended. He has finally hit the 50 pound mark!! I can’t recommend Aspiring Sprouts enough. – Carly 


When I found Sara, my child had negative reactions to any new foods presented and was completely dependent on the iPad at meal times. Now I feel empowered and capable about working with my child’s food journey. I used to feel so much guilt and dread around meal times, now I feel like I’m enough and doing my best for my child. Yes, working with Sara has turned our world around.

With her encouragement and validation, we will continue this work for a long time to come. I would tell others what a positive and encouraging process working with you is. I’d tell my friend or relative to drop their guard and be open to compassion. Yep, I was ready to get scolded but instead I got a big ol’ compassionate food parenting hug!

I love the courses and the ability to listen on my headphones. I love the support and the accountability I feel with the journals. I didn’t get reprimanded… I was met where I was and encouraged. Sara, you’re an amazing human and I love the light you’ve shined into our lives. – Sarah C.


Sara is just the greatest. She is so patient, kind, and full of ideas about creating a more peaceful dinner time between you and your family. While no one dinner is perfect, she gave me the tools to be more successful and to give myself grace when my kids weren’t as open to their meals. Highly recommend giving her a shot! – Kelly


Since working with Sara, I have the correct knowledge about how my body processes food and what is good for it. From the get go, she was so energetic and professional and easy to talk to. I also saw the “human” in her, and could tel she was doing this to actually help her clients. 

I highly recommend Sara for several reasons. She is extremely knowledgeable and up-to-date with the latest nutritional science. Her recommendations are not just about diet, but also about making sustainable lifestyle changes. Overall, Sara has played a crucial role in improving my health and wellbeing. 

Through Practice Better (client portal) and EatLove (meal planning software), I felt that I had the right tools to connect to you when needed. Also, EatLove kept me on track on tracking my macros. – Spencer


I was diagnosed with a particular type of IBS-D and was trying to resolve the issues without being on a steroid which is the normal treatment for the condition that I have.

I am so thankful my condition can be treated without steroids and I can feel good again.

Sara has everything you need, knowledge, expertise, assistance and ability to work with people in a supportive and friendly way. She helps you feel better and thrive.

It is surprising that there are tools available to make life easier when having to deal with special diets.This has been an amazing experience of finding answers to my health issues and actually being able to solve them and feeling so much better without having to use drugs of any kind. – Kathy S.


I came to Sara with concerns of inflammation, pain, fatigue, brain fog, digestive/bloating, skin, hair and nails. Now, I feel like a whole new person. Everything on that list has either disappeared or well on its way to healing. 100% working with Sara was the catalyst. 

The biggest surprise was NOT talking about my weight. At all. When you think of a dietitian, you think of the word ‘diet’ and although I have lost weight during this process, it was honestly just a bonus. It was never the focus and that has been such a relief. It has always been based on how I felt, never the number on the scale. That takes a lot of pressure off.

If you want your life to change, you should reach out to Sara. It’s not an easy thing to jump into, but Sara will help guide you through it and before you even realize it you will feel confident in feeding yourself. I started feeling better within a couple of weeks. And it just gets better and better. I don’t have pain when I wake up in the morning. I can stand up straight. My skin is clearing up. My stomach doesn’t hurt all the time. My hair and nails are growing back. I had tried every approach and changing my diet has been the most beneficial, it has given me the most results. 

The future you will thank you for this investment in yourself. Trust me.Sarah B.


When I first came to Sara, I was struggling with gastritis and I had tummy burning and acid reflux. Since working together, my symptoms have effectively disappeared and I now have confidence that if I get symptoms again, I will know how to manage them with my diet and the tools Sara has shown me.

I’m so surprised at just HOW effective working with her has been. I signed up because I thought she could help me, but I had no idea how she could help me, and I was feeling so down (because nothing was really working that well). Then after just a few weeks I knew we’d hit gold and I was consistently feeling SO much better than I had been.

Sara, I can’t thank you enough for helping me get to this place and for really being there for me through this process. You’re amazing and a real healer! The fact you were willing to brainstorm with me at various junctures in my process to determine the best path to take certain times when I was unsure was SO incredibly helpful. And I’ve said this before, but your spidey senses are off the hook! – Sonia

FREE: 5 strategies for Peaceful Family Meals

Are mealtimes a battle? Do you wish the yelling, struggle, crying, and fear would just end? Its possible. Let these 5 strategies be the beginning of change for you and your family!